Week 3 at Google Summer of Code @LLVM.org: Releasing the RFC and Finalizing the Survey

Posted by Chaitanya Shahare on Tue, May 28, 2024

Hello, everyone!

Week 3 of my Google Summer of Code journey with LLVM.org has been both productive and pivotal. Here’s an update on my progress, including releasing the RFC, finalizing the community survey, and enhancing the LLVM.org blog.

Releasing the RFC

One of the significant milestones this week was releasing the Request for Comments (RFC) on the LLVM discourse forum. The RFC outlines the proposed redesign of the LLVM.org website, detailing the goals, changes, and expected outcomes. This step is crucial as it opens up the discussion to the broader community, inviting feedback and suggestions. You can check out the RFC here.

Finalizing the Survey

After drafting the community survey to gather insights and preferences about the LLVM.org website redesign, I finalized it and submitted it for my mentors’ feedback. This survey is essential for understanding the community’s needs and ensuring the redesign aligns with their expectations.

Enhancing the Compiler Research Blog

I also worked on improving the compiler-research.org blog by adding tags to blog posts. This enhancement will help categorize content better, making it easier for users to find relevant information. You can view the pull request for this update here.

Contributions Made

Repo: compiler-research/compiler-research.github.io

  • Issues Raised:

  • Pull Requests Raised:

    • PR #197: Add post metadata on blog landing page
    • PR #199: Add Tags to blog posts
  • Pull Requests Merged:

    • PR #197: Add post metadata on blog landing page

Challenges and Learnings

This week, the main challenge was ensuring the survey questions were comprehensive yet concise, capturing all necessary information without overwhelming the respondents. Balancing thoroughness with simplicity required careful crafting and review.

Next Steps Looking ahead

I will focus on incorporating the feedback from the RFC and survey into the design process. The development phase is set to begin soon, where I will start designing the new layout and ensuring it integrates smoothly with the existing content. Continuous engagement with the community will remain a priority to gather ongoing insights and suggestions.


Week 3 has been a blend of critical milestones and collaborative efforts. Releasing the RFC and finalizing the survey mark significant steps forward in the LLVM.org website redesign project. Thank you for following my journey, and stay tuned for more updates!

Feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts or questions about the project!