Friendship Broken with Vimwiki, Now Obsidian.nvim is My New Best Friend

Posted by Chaitanya Shahare on Tue, May 28, 2024

In the search for the perfect note-taking tool, we often stumble upon a solution that works great for a while, only to find ourselves needing something more later on. That was my journey with Vimwiki. It was a reliable tool, but as my needs evolved, I found myself struggling with its limitations. That’s when I discovered Obsidian.nvim, and it quickly became my new favorite.

Why I Needed a Change

1. Filetype Issues

One of the main problems I faced with Vimwiki was that all my Markdown files were being assigned the Vimwiki filetype. This created numerous issues:

  • GitHub Copilot Problems: Copilot didn’t work well with the Vimwiki filetype.
  • Auto Formatting Issues: Markdown files weren’t formatting correctly.
  • Markdown Linting and Syntax Highlighting Problems: These essential features weren’t functioning as they should.

I knew these problems could be fixed, but the documentation for Vimwiki was in Vimscript, and I was more comfortable with Lua. I wasted a lot of time trying to sort these issues out, which defeated the purpose of using Markdown for flexibility in the first place.

2. Lack of Documentation

The sparse documentation for Vimwiki made it hard to find solutions. Even though I knew the fixes were possible, I didn’t have the time or patience to dig through complex Vimscript to make things work.

3. Discovery of Obsidian.nvim

While searching for alternatives, I found Obsidian.nvim. It offered a range of features that immediately caught my attention:

  • Built-in Image Support: Easily paste images into Neovim.
  • Diary Feature: Similar to Vimwiki, but better integrated.
  • Interlinking and Backlinking: Seamless connections between notes.

Obsidian.nvim addressed all the problems I had with Vimwiki and introduced me to new features that enhanced my workflow.

Why Obsidian.nvim Became My New Best Friend

1. Fixes My Issues

Obsidian.nvim solved all the problems I was facing with Vimwiki. The Markdown files behaved as expected, with proper formatting, linting, and syntax highlighting. GitHub Copilot worked seamlessly, and I no longer had to worry about filetype conflicts.

2. Simplicity and Power

Obsidian.nvim is both simple and powerful. It provides everything I need without overwhelming me with unnecessary features. The built-in support for images, the diary feature, and the ability to interlink and backlink notes make it an incredibly effective tool.

3. Syncing with iCloud

One of the best features of Obsidian.nvim is the ability to sync my notes with iCloud. This means I can access my notes on my iPhone using the Obsidian app, keeping my notes at my fingertips at all times. The sync process is smooth and reliable, adding a layer of convenience that I didn’t have with Vimwiki.

4. Extensive Community and Plugins

Obsidian.nvim is part of a vibrant community that continuously develops new plugins and features. This allows me to customize my note-taking experience and add functionalities as needed.

5. Markdown Preview Extension

A pro tip for those switching to Obsidian.nvim is to use the Markdown Preview extension. It allows you to preview Markdown files, scrolling along with your cursor in Neovim. This is incredibly handy for viewing images and checking formatting.

Final Thoughts

Switching from Vimwiki to Obsidian.nvim has been a game-changer for me. It has resolved all the issues I was facing and introduced me to new features that enhance my productivity. If you’re struggling with Vimwiki and looking for a more robust and user-friendly alternative, I highly recommend giving Obsidian.nvim a try.