Vim Folding: An Essential Feature for Streamlining Your Text Editing

Posted by Chaitanya Shahare on Mon, Jan 30, 2023

Vim is a highly efficient and versatile text editor that has been around for decades. One of its key features is folding, which allows users to collapse and expand sections of text. Folding makes it easier to navigate and edit large files, and can greatly improve your productivity. In this blog post, we’ll explore the basics of Vim folding and how you can use it to streamline your text editing process.

How to Use Vim Folding

Vim folding works by grouping lines of text together into a single fold. The fold can be collapsed so that only the first line of the group is visible, making it easier to navigate through a large file.

  • To create a fold, you can use the zf command followed by a motion.
    • For example, zfap creates a fold around the current paragraph.
  • You can also fold a range of lines using the syntax zf[range].
    • For example, zf10,20 creates a fold around lines 10 to 20.
  • Expanding and collapsing folds is done using the zo and zc commands, respectively.
  • The zO command expands all folds recursively, while zC collapses all folds recursively.
  • You can also toggle folds using the zt command.

Folding Techniques

There are several folding techniques you can use in Vim to help you navigate and manage your text more effectively. Here are a few of the most useful:

  • Folding code blocks: If you’re working on a code file, folding can be a great way to hide blocks of code that you’re not currently working on. This makes it easier to focus on the code that you need to work on.

  • Folding sections: If you have a long file with multiple sections, you can create folds around each section to make it easier to navigate.

  • Folding comments: If your file is heavily commented, you can fold all the comments to reduce clutter and make it easier to focus on the code.

  • Folding to a specific level: You can control the level of folding by using the zR command to expand all folds, zM to collapse all folds, and zr and zm to expand or collapse the current fold, respectively.


Vim folding is a powerful and flexible feature that can greatly improve your text editing efficiency. Whether you’re working on a code file, a document, or any other type of text file, folding can help you navigate and manage your content more effectively. By using the techniques outlined in this post, you’ll be able to take full advantage of this feature and streamline your text editing process.