Essential GitHub CLI Commands for Efficiency

Posted by Chaitanya Shahare on Sat, May 11, 2024

GitHub, the cornerstone of collaborative software development, offers an extensive ecosystem of tools. Among them, the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface) stands out as a powerful ally in streamlining your development workflow. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a beginner, mastering the GitHub CLI can drastically speed up your operations, from repository management to issue tracking. This blog post will guide you through the most useful GitHub CLI commands to enhance your productivity.

What is GitHub CLI?

GitHub CLI is a command-line tool that allows you to work seamlessly with GitHub from your terminal. It extends GitHub’s web functionalities to your local environment, enabling you to handle pull requests, issues, repositories, and more without switching contexts. This direct interaction enhances speed and efficiency, especially for command-line enthusiasts.

Setting Up GitHub CLI

Before diving into the commands, ensure you have GitHub CLI installed. You can download it from the GitHub CLI repository and install it according to your operating system’s instructions.

Once installed, authenticate your session with:

gh auth login

This command guides you through a simple authentication process, setting the stage for seamless GitHub operations.

Essential GitHub CLI Commands

1. Clone a Repository

Get started by cloning an existing repository:

gh repo clone <repository-name>

Replace <repository-name> with the desired repository path. This command is straightforward but saves time by integrating into other CLI workflows.

2. Create a New Repository

Kickstart new projects without leaving the terminal:

gh repo create <new-repo-name>

This command can also initialize your local directory as a GitHub repository with appropriate remote links.

3. List and Check Out Pull Requests

View all open pull requests for your current repository:

gh pr list

To check out a specific pull request into a new branch:

gh pr checkout <pr-number>

This feature is particularly useful for reviewing code and managing pull requests directly from the command line.

4. Create a Pull Request

After making your changes and pushing your branch, you can easily create a pull request:

gh pr create --base <base-branch> --head <your-branch>

Customize your pull request by adding titles, body text, reviewers, labels, and more right from your command prompt.

5. Manage Issues

Create a new issue with:

gh issue create

This will prompt you to add a title, body, assignees, labels, and projects. Similarly, you can list and filter issues with:

gh issue list --label "bug" --assignee <username>

These commands allow for rapid issue management, fostering better and quicker team communication.

6. View Repository Status

Quickly get a snapshot of your repository’s status:

gh repo view --web

This opens your repository in a web browser, providing a bridge between CLI operations and more detailed web views.

Tips for Maximizing Efficiency with GitHub CLI

  • Combine Commands: GitHub CLI supports piping and combining commands with other Unix-like command-line tools. For example, use grep to filter list outputs.
  • Fork and clone: Fork repositories directly from the CLI and clone them with a single command, gh repo fork <repository-name> --clone.
  • Sync a Forked Repository: Keep your forked repository up-to-date with the original by running gh repo sync.
  • Use Aliases: For frequently used commands, set up aliases in your shell to reduce typing and speed up your workflow.
  • Scripting: Automate repetitive tasks by scripting sequences of GitHub CLI commands.


GitHub CLI is a versatile tool that, when used effectively, can substantially enhance your productivity. By integrating these commands into your daily routine, you can reduce the overhead of common tasks, allowing you to focus more on coding and less on navigation. Whether it’s through quicker pull request checks or streamlined issue management, the GitHub CLI is indispensable for a fast-paced development environment. Embrace these commands, and watch your GitHub workflow transform!